Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Dream Bookstore

Hello book readers! Today I bring to you a tag about what my perfect bookstore would be. I found this post here:
Go check it out and leave a comment!

On with the post.

My ideal bookstore would have a dark green exterior and it would be on the corner of a street in London. The outside would be a bit circular with windows that have flower pots. Right inside the windows would be a reading ledge with some pillows where people could enjoy their favorite books. 

As you walk in the brown door with the golden knob you would hear the chime of a bell. In the middle of the first floor there would a spiral staircase; books fill the rest of the space from floor to ceiling. There would be multiple table displays as well, and the cash register would be on the right side of the door. 

Whilst traveling up the wooden stairs you can hear the creek of the worn down steps. Upon entering the second floor, you see a reading nook near the window seat to the left. There is a brow cushioned chair and a tall red chair. Behind the stairs is the children's section which has a bookshelf covering the wall. In front of this bookshelf is a dark blue rug that covers the wood floor. On top of this rug is a circle of small, children sized chairs. To the right of the stairs are more bookshelves, and in front of the stairs there is a small, carpeted, square area that contains older books. At the end of this area you find a small glass covered shelf with the original version of the Harry Potter series. There would be a rocking chair to the right of it and a petite table to the left that contains a plant.

The bookstore would be located on the corner of a busy road leading to Piccadilly Circus, in London, that gets a lot of visitors and a smaller side street. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this description, let me know it the comments what your ideal bookstore would be!

The Green Bookshelf 

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